
[Example] Help translate an article about our organization (1,000 words) from English to Chinese (Traditional)


Use This Project Template

Edit the details according to your needs and post this project.

Suggested Project Details

What the volunteer will do
  • [Example] Join us for a 30 minutes call to learn more about the article content and our organization
  • [Example] Translate the content provided (~1,000 words) from English to Chinese (Traditional)
  • [Example] Draft article will be provide in a Google Document, so we can easily translate each English section into Chinese
  • [Example] Ensure translated content conveys the original meaning and tone
  • [Example] Proofread translated tests for grammar and punctuation accuracy
  • [Enter other expectations you may have (e.g. looking for volunteers with excellent English and Chinese, or with translation experience)]
What you should provide the volunteer

[Example] Reference to our other translated articles will be provided.

Achieved Goals

[Example] This is an article to be publicly published so that our stakeholders will have a good summary of our work and to be able to promote our work to others.



Suitable Volunteer


10 hours in total

  • Translation
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • English

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