SEO Advisor

Review and advise us on how to improve our SEO

SEO Advisor

Use This Project Template

Edit the details according to your needs and post this project.

Suggested Project Details

What the volunteer will do
  • Join us for a 30 minutes call to learn more about our programs and objectives
  • [Example] Review our website and SEO performance
  • [Example] Advise and suggest changes for our Developers and/or Marketing and Communications team to implement
  • [Enter other expectations you may have (e.g. SEO knowledge is a must)]
What you should provide the volunteer

[Example] We will provide you with the access to our [e.g. Wordpress website, CMS platform], as well as access to our Google Search Console and Google Analytics account.

Achieved Goals

[Example] As our website is rather new, we are not very "discoverable" on Google, and we'd love to improve on that so more people can discover our work and mission.

Suitable Volunteer


10 hours in total

  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Strategy Consulting

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Look forward to seeing you there :)