Play with primary school kids and inspire them with Science and Technology
STEAM Playground is a monthly program powered by Engineers Without Borders HK. It is presently held at the YMCA in Cheung Sha Wan on the third Saturday of each month. During each session our volunteers coordinate young kids (age 6-10) to build challenging projects, only using re-used/recycled materials and following open-ended briefs. The program is designed to inspire kids towards STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) through fun and engaging play sessions.
Our team will issue clear game briefs, provide materials and tools necessary for the activity. The activity will be hosted in a comfortable and air-conditioned space. New volunteers can simply show up and help on the day after reading a one-page briefing, without any extensive training. We hope that, given time, returning volunteers will want to join us in preparing the games or suggesting new activities to expand the program.
In Hong Kong there are numerous jobs in Science and Tech, but many students won't choose a secondary education on these subjects, missing out on potentially lucrative careers. This is particularly the case for female students. At Engineers Without Borders HK, we'd like to change some of the stereotypes that prevent them from fulfilling their potential and show to kids that science can be fun and creative, to inspire them towards subjects that could be life-changing for their future in Hong Kong or elsewhere.
18 Jan 2025 - 18 Jan 2025
Cheung Sha Wan
You’ll be working with other awesome volunteers.
2 hours in total
We work to accelerate betterment in the life of disadvantaged communities and promote sustainable development through the empowerment of engineering means
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