Help us create the content of 3-4 bilingual social media posts per month for Facebook & Instagram
Agewhale was launched in Aug 2023 with the mission to make caregiving a positive experience for older persons and family caregivers. We aim to support family caregivers to find resources and support during their caregiving journey and promote ageing in place for older persons.
Happy to brainstorm and discuss the social media post content as needed.
Your social media posts will raise awareness for our mission and spread useful information to caregivers to alleviate their stress.
26 Jan 2025 - 31 Mar 2025
每月 8 小時
No age requirement
Our vision is to make caregiving a positive experience for all. We provide solutions to help caregivers of older persons identify suitable services and resources so older persons can age well in place. We strive to improve the quality of life for both older persons and their caregivers, promoting good health and well-being for all.
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