Enhancing Impact Measurement for Social Enterprise Summit: From Strategy to Execution | Skilled Volunteering Case Study

At Time Auction, we believe in the power of skilled volunteering to drive meaningful change. A shining example of this is the recent collaboration with the Social Enterprise Summit (SES), which beautifully illustrates how our platform can support NGOs not just with hands-on volunteer work, but also through strategic capacity building.

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The Challenge

The Social Enterprise Summit, an annual highlight to advocate for social innovation, needed help with enhancing their impact measurement capabilities. They required assistance in updating their attendee survey—an essential tool for gathering data on the summit's effectiveness. Recognizing the importance of accurate data for measuring success, SES turned to Time Auction to find volunteers with the right expertise.

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Our Solution

Through our Call with Experts program, SES booked a consultation with Timothy, one of our skilled volunteers. With over six years of experience in sustainability and a background in data analysis and visualization, Timothy provided invaluable insights during the consultation. His expertise helped SES refine their survey to better capture the feedback they needed from attendees.

Following this strategic guidance, SES recruited 2 Event Impact Measurement Volunteers through our platform. These volunteers played a crucial role on-site, assisting with the distribution of surveys and guiding attendees on how to fill them out. Their efforts ensured that SES could gather comprehensive and accurate data, which is vital for measuring the success of their summit—one of their largest events of the year.

Timothy, along with the on-site volunteers, received commendations from SES staff for their helpfulness and professionalism. The data collected will not only inform SES about the immediate impact of their event but will also support them in planning future initiatives.

"What Timothy brought forth were more than the knowledge but, in some way more importantly, the mindset of formulating our strategies."

Lawrence Leung - Executive Manager, Social Enterprise Summit

This collaboration with the Social Enterprise Summit highlights the versatility of Time Auction’s skilled volunteering platform. By connecting NGOs with experts and dedicated volunteers, we facilitate a journey of growth and development that extends beyond one-time support. Together, we can empower organizations to measure their impact effectively and drive social change in Hong Kong and beyond.

Want to lend a helping hand to organisations like Pink Dot and HKIUA? Discover more about skilled volunteering opportunities here.

Updated on 8 January, 2025
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